Опубліковано 7 грудня, 20213 р This plugin allows you to have the Renewal System "enabled" to give customers Ranks/Group for a specific amount of time BUT remove the possibility for them to renew it, unless they buy it "again" fresh from the store. The will/should not receive a renewal E-mail, or have any way to renew it via their Purchase Dashboard, the only way is to purchase the same product again from the store. What is the use case for such a plugin? In contusion with this plugin, it will allow you to sell (SULK) keys and give customers group promotions for a specific amount of time, without having the issues that when they renew, they don't receive a new key. When a customer renews their sub, they would not receive a new key, they would just be shown the old one, hence why we created this plugin. If this explanation is not good enough, you can always shoot me a PM, to explain it a bit more. I do/will NOT sell this plugin outside this Marketplace. So please, don't PM me about it, the only way to buy it is via Invision Community Marketplace. I'm NOT the developer of this plugin, ( @Kirill Gromov ) is. I own the plugin and I'm allowed to sell it, IPB staff can verify with him if needed. There will be only BUG fixes, no new features. Просмотр полной статьи
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