Опубліковано 21 липня, 20213 р This application will allow you place a "Quick Escape" button in place on your site. What is a "Quick Escape" button? A "Quick Escape" button is a tool which allows the user to quickly close the web page they are currently on, replacing it with a configured site, and also opening a new tab/window with another configured site displayed. This functionality is commonly used on support sites related to violence, bullying or other sensitive topics that people may need to close quickly for reasons of privacy. Features Admin configurable settings, applied globally to configured groups Optional setting to allow those configured group to control their own version of the settings User can click a button to open the 2 configured pages, or press the 'Esc' key to quickly redirect the existing page only Widget available to allow placing of the button in widget areas on the site, regardless of user-configuration. Просмотр полной статьи
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