Опубліковано 16 червня, 20213 р Navigation Toolkit is a plugin to add some useful tools in your navigation area. it will be added alongside User bar at the header and have these features: Progress page bar when scrolling the page. with plugin side setting it's possible to give different color for this progress bar. Dark Mode/Light Mode button. smoothly change theme color from light to dark or dark to light mode. (Note: only tested on IPS default theme) Font resize button. with plugin side setting, it's possible to give user two choice for font size: default size or large font size. Refresh page button Go to top button Go to bottom button Setting for fixed Navigation bar Demo //dne4i5cb88590.cloudfront.net/invisionpower-com/monthly_2021_06/image.png.8a131c3a3d3080530086b4ac651a7e2c.png Просмотр полной статьи
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