Опубліковано 25 березня, 20213 р Advanced Widget Settings adds advanced options to the widget settings. You can control all widgets to display for a specific group, specific date and specific URLs. Suppose you want to: Display a widget for a specific user group. Display a widget at a specific date range Disable displaying a widget on a specific date Start displaying a widget on a specific date. Display a widget in a specific URL. Display a widget in a specific URL and its sub-links. When the widget is off, display custom content instead (using the IPS editor) This app does it for you and works on all widgets (3rd-party and the IPS widgets). Enter specific URLs, so that the widget is displayed only in those URLs. //dne4i5cb88590.cloudfront.net/invisionpower-com/monthly_2021_03/0002.thumb.png.7f04243c03b8220af8947d9c99ee919b.png Demo : http://ips.valacoding.com/index.php?/topic/12-bebop-publishing-will-release-a-limited-edition-of-justice/&tab=comments#comment-12 Specify the date range to display the widget on that date. //dne4i5cb88590.cloudfront.net/invisionpower-com/monthly_2021_03/0004.thumb.png.ea587ef352b16536bb080b1edbf41d8b.png Demo: http://ips.valacoding.com/index.php?/leaderboard/ Specify user groups to be displayed only for those groups //dne4i5cb88590.cloudfront.net/invisionpower-com/monthly_2021_03/0003.thumb.png.03f217c112c64eb17875673a1d8753f7.png Demo: http://ips.valacoding.com/index.php?/leaderboard/ You can also display a text you created with the editor instead of the widget when the widget is disabled. [MULTILANGUAGE] //dne4i5cb88590.cloudfront.net/invisionpower-com/monthly_2021_03/0005.thumb.png.9b2f916cf46ffac34b1ea4ab347893fb.png //dne4i5cb88590.cloudfront.net/invisionpower-com/monthly_2021_03/0000.thumb.png.ca4207aa9ccebc316b47fcab4cca120d.png Просмотр полной статьи
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