Опубліковано 10 лютого, 20213 р Create betting topics where members can place and match each others bets. With supports for different betting choices and betting odds. Features: Setup and maintain as many betting choices as you want. Live ajax refresh of active betting topics. Set which forums support betting topics. Set how many betting tokens new members receive. Group permissions for who can view, place and moderate bets. Set betting choices and minimum bet amounts per topic. As well as the start and end dates for active bets. Member notifications for when your bet is matched or you win a bet. Profile tab and display of a members current bets, betting tokens and win/loss ratio for bets. Top bet winners and latest bet topics widgets. Keep up to date with DevFuse mod development and releases.https://www.devfuse.com/public/images/social/facebook.jpg https://www.devfuse.com/public/images/social/twitter.png https://www.devfuse.com/public/images/social/youtube.png https://www.devfuse.com/public/images/social/rss.png Просмотр полной статьи
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