Опубліковано 19 грудня, 20204 р Plugin allows you to integrate the "Privacy" and "Tracking" functionality provided by Quantcast.com - Privacy functionality is used to present a dialog box to the user to assist with GDPR requirements. How to configure: 1) Sign up to https://www.quantcast.com 2) Add your site information via the above site's dashboard 3) Obtain your ID from the above site - this ID is displayed in the header bar of the dashboard 4) Add it to the plugin's settings - the Privacy & Tracking tags will be generated to the format needed for the JS code provided by Quantcast Modifying the "Privacy" dialogs and content is achieved by creating a new theme via https://www.quantcast.com/protect/themes/new Important: support for the plugin does not extend to assisting you with configuring items via the Quantcast site - if you require assistance with that then utilise Quantcast's Support page at https://help.quantcast.com/hc/en-us Просмотр полной статьи
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