Опубліковано 21 листопада, 20204 р Demo username: demo password: demouser1 Features Fully responsive Easily switch between Dark and Light version Choose your body background image Set your main and secondary colors Fully customizable Footer with staff team section and custom icons (FontAwesome 4) in useful links Easily set your team members on footer Editable page body background color Custom position of social icons New custom profile view with sticky left section on desktop //dne4i5cb88590.cloudfront.net/invisionpower-com/monthly_2020_11/image.thumb.png.1c4913fb651931b82ee8bcf931904318.png Swiper Slider Customizable slider on top (you can enable/disable it based on your preferences) Choose your slides backgrounds Enable/disable ribbon with community name on first slide Can disable captions Customizable pagination (3 available choices) Custom buttons (i.e. for quick menu voices) on first slide On Eridanus will be constantly added new features. Suggestions are obviously welcomed, just use the support topic (or simply pm me)! As a first release, please, feel free to report any bug and I'll try to fix these ASAP! I'm open for custom changes, just contact me! Permanent support: Just PM me or use the support topic. Просмотр полной статьи
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