Опубліковано 5 листопада, 20204 р This resource uses IGDB API to grab data from games to your site. All you have to do is type a word from the game title and then a list of matches will show up. From now on, with just a click, you will have in the submission form: Title Storyline, if available Description Status Genres Themes Websites Modes Multiplayer modes Platforms Player perspectives Videos Similar games Tabs: You will also have tabs to display: Game Information Screenshots Videos Similar Games All the tabs, except Information (the main one with the game description), can be disabled via setting. IGDB API Key: In order to use our API, you must have a Twitch Account. The IGDB.com API is free for non-commercial usage under the terms of the Twitch Developer Service Agreement. Sign Up with Twitch for a free account Ensure you have Two Factor Authentication enabled Register your application Manage your newly created application Generate a Client Secret by pressing [New Secret] Take note of the Client ID and Client Secret Enter the Client ID and Client Secret in this app settings on Admin CP Other features: Fully integrated to the framework: Rest API, categories, extra fields, notifications, search, tags, follow, reactions, promote, etc. Settings: Settings to control the app behaviour in several places/situations. Просмотр полной статьи
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