Опубліковано 12 січня, 20186 р Please files security update 4.2.7 This : https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/
Опубліковано 12 січня, 20186 р Адміністратор 3 минуты назад, Avernus сказал: Пожалуйста, только файлы безопасности. Нет всех файлов; I did not understand what kind of security file it is like, and there are no updates there, we have not uploaded the boot when it was released, the rest of the update was on the off site on 01/10/2018, and on our forum, too, do not understand what you want to clarify please
Опубліковано 12 січня, 20186 р Автор I want to upload these security files to my forum so that it was 4.2.7. I do not want to re-create a forum just to update it. I have nulled
Опубліковано 12 січня, 20186 р Адміністратор 5 минут назад, Avernus сказал: I want to upload these security files to my forum so that it was 4.2.7. I do not want to re-create a forum just to update it. I have nulled So, some nasty files did not fuse individual files with the version 4.2.7