Опубліковано 29 травня, 20231 р Description: This app will give your members more control in regard as to who can start a new conversation with them. Privacy Settings: Members can decide if everyone can start a new conversation with them, or only their followers , or no one but the staff members who belong to groups with the appropriate permissions set by the admin. By default it is set to everyone. Members History Logs: Admins can view how members set their conversations privacy from members history logs. Logs: Admins can view all members conversations privacy settings from the app's log page. There they can edit members conversations privacy settings as well as reset all conversations privacy settings to Everyone. Filtering: Admins can filter each conversations privacy setting to see the members who selected them. Search: From the log page admins can also search for a member 's conversations privacy settings. Compatibility: The app is compatible with the latest version of Ipb and php 8. Просмотр полной статьи
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