Опубліковано 16 січня, 20231 р This resource uses Spoonacular API to grab data from recipes to your site. All you have to do is type a word from a recipe title and then a list of matches will show up. From now on, with just a click, you will have added to your database: Title Description Instructions Diet types Servings Time to be ready Cuisines Meal types Ingredients Nutrition information Nutrition facts Wine pairing Similar recipes Tabs: You will also have tabs in recipe view to display: General Summary Instructions Diets Ingredients Nutrition information Nutrition Facts Wine pairing Similar Recipes All the tabs, except General (the main one with the recipe summary, instructions and diets), can be disabled via setting. NOTE: You can use the app without the Spoonacular API integration. In this case, only General tab will show up. You can enter manually the following data: Description Instructions Diet types Servings Time to be ready Cuisines Meal types. About Spoonacular API: You can subscribe for a FREE plan, which has limitations: https://spoonacular.com/food-api/docs#Quotas Overview: https://spoonacular.com/food-api Frequenty Asked Questions: https://spoonacular.com/food-api/faq Uptime Status: https://status.spoonacular.com/ Other features: Fully integrated to the framework: Rest API, categories, extra fields, notifications, search, tags, follow, reactions, promote, etc. Settings: Settings to control the app behaviour in several places/situations. Просмотр полной статьи
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