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(BIM) Chatbox+
If you disable "Show rules" in the settings, it always remains visible
Как убрать кнопку лайка
My fault, I paid no attention, sorry
Как убрать кнопку лайка
Ah ok, sorry... in the initial question it was not specified that it referred to 3.4 ?
Как убрать кнопку лайка
Change Group in Moderator Panel
It works for me on 4.4.10 so it seems strange to you that it doesn't work on Are you sure you have set it correctly?
Group Color on User Link
- Color Tag
- Color Tag
Color Tag
I apologize if the question will seem stupid but I seem to remember that you could change the color of the tag in the Chameleon ... They are too light and many users find it difficult to display them correctlyIf I'm not mistaken, I saw long ago this possibility but now can not find it anymore.You could point out where I can get it?
- Avatar help
- Avatar help
- Avatar help
- Avatar help
- Avatar help