Story app
Vala Story is an app that allows members to share their moments, interests, joys, portfolios, etc. with others through images and videos by allowed formats on your board and make them more interactive with title and link.
Demo and Showcase:
Vala Story has a powerful ACP settings and tons of customization options and member settings as well. let's take a look :
ACP Options :
Main Settings:
Select story type [ Image / Video / External video / External image0]
Set daily number of submit story
Show stories from x days ago
Set maximum stories to show
Specify allowed image formats
Specify image file size
Specify allowed video formats
Specify video file size
Set duration of the story show time
Set maximum image story Height/Width'
Set menu item icon
Permission Settings
Allow groups to submit
Allow groups to view
Allow groups to delete a story
Allow groups to share again a story
Allow groups to change status of a story
Submit Form Settings
Allow members to set the appearing time of a story
Allow members to insert title for a story
Allow members to insert link for a story
Allow members to use external link instead of uploading file
Default Widget Settings (Each widget can use the default or its own custom settings)
Select skin (SnapGram, FaceSnap, SnapMessenger and Custom)
Use last story image as avatar
Show stories as a list
Enable open effect
Enable cube effect
Enable Auto full screen
Enable Pagination arrows
Enable Back button
Enable Back native
Enable Previous tap
Enable seen mod (seen stories are displayed with opacity)
General Style
Seen item opacity
Story viewer background
Story viewer font color
Title font color
Title background color
Carousel Display Settings (shows stories as a slideshow)
Space between elements
Enable carousel navbar
Enable loop
Enable lazy load
Enable autoplay
Set autoplay timeout
Enable auto play hover pause
Skin Style
3 predefined skins (SnapGram, FaceSnap, SnapMessenger)
Custom Skin
Change border color of each skin
Change font color of each skin
Size Settings (size of show box)
Media size type (Cover, Contain, Fill)
Desktop width/height
Mobile devices width/height
ACP Stories Setting
Disable/Enable member status
Admit/Ban member
Add the stories to featured list (use this option in fetching data)
Remove member stories (all stories)
Share again a story of members
Disable/Enable a story of specific member
Remove a story of specific member
Members Options
Add/Delete/Disable/Re-share a story
Specify which group can view their stories (All visitors, Only members)
Enable/Disable their status
Member Submit Form
Widget Types
Showing all member
Showing followers stories
Showing following stories
Show stories for each member in the profile page
Widget Options
Add title
Enable member add story button on widget's title bar (left side)
Specify number of stories to show
Select featured stories
Sort by last updated (Ascending, Descending)
Widget max-height (auto, X pixel)
Items display direction (Row-carousel mode, Column-list mode)
Custom carousel setting (use this for customization of the default setting)
Story Settings (Default, Custom) (you can change the default setting for each widget)
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